NEW Start time will be 10 a.m. in order to ensure that folks have enough time to leave the shelter and we can clean the building in between. We have room for more vendors. Thank you.

NEW Start time will be 10 a.m. in order to ensure that folks have enough time to leave the shelter and we can clean the building in between. We have room for more vendors. Thank you.
City Manager Brian Sjothun has extended a severe weather event declaration for Wednesday, Nov. 30 through Friday, Dec. 4. The declaration allows the use of approved severe event shelter facilities to provide overnight lodging when the temperature is expected to be below 25 degrees Fahrenheit or 32 degrees Fahrenheit with additional factors such as precipitation […]
Ashland’s community Thanksgiving Day dinner held at Pioneer Hall — 73 Winburn Way — was a big success. More information to follow.
The City Manager has authorized the extension of the emergency severe weather shelter through the morning of Monday, December 5, 2022. The shelter will be located at the Presbyterian Church at 1615 Clark Ave. The shelter will open each night at 5 p.m. at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday Nov. 30, Thursday Dec. 1 and Friday Dec. […]
Ashland High School is proud to affirm and support our LGBTQ2SIA+ community because EVERY STUDENT BELONGS. We affirm the identity of each student and we acknowledge and honor our differences because together we create a sense of belonging for all. Transgender youth are an integral part of Oregon schools, making up 8 percent of the […]
Compiled by Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice — current as of Nov. 19. If you see anything that needs to be updated, please text 541.930.2170 or 541.200.5234 with information. Thank you. Tuesday Nov. 22 from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Peace House’s Uncle Foods Diner will have a traditional Thanksgiving meal in Pioneer Hall (73 […]
On the Nov. 16 episode of KSKQ’s We the People, Avram Sacks — organizer of the Ashland extreme weather shelter program — joined Jason Houk and Brad Smith to talk about an upcoming training session for those wanting to volunteer at the local overnight warming shelters.
The Medford Drop is staffed by peer support specialists who are committed to helping young adults empower themselves and successfully transition into adulthood. Our programs and services help youth/young adults become leaders in their own lives and communities. We provide opportunities to build leadership and advocacy skills through team-based learning and activities. Above all, The Medford Drop […]