March 12, 2025

How to Support Single-Payer Health Care in Oregon NOW!

Now is the moment to support Single Payer Health Care in Oregon!

On November 8, 2022 “Right to Health Care Measure 111,” supported by
over fifty organizations as diverse as Providence Health Services,
Planned Parenthood, Oregon AFT, Main Street Alliance, SEIU and Oregon
AFL-CIO, passed with roughly one million YES votes. The measure proposes
an amendment to the Oregon constitution establishing the state’s
obligation to ensure every Oregon resident has access to cost-effective,
clinically appropriate, and affordable healthcare.

We are the first state to explicitly state the necessary components for
health care, declaring them as a human right for all of our residents.

For too long our system has fostered medical bankruptcy and delays in
care; patients often go to emergency rooms with conditions that could be
treated proactively. For too long decisions about our personal health
have been made by corporations focused on profits over people. For too
long, Oregon voters have not had a voice in shaping healthcare…until

SB 704 establishes a Universal Health Plan Governance Board and directs
the board to create a comprehensive plan for implementing a Universal
Health Plan in Oregon, beginning in 2027. The hearing for SB 704 is
Monday February 13 at 1 PM. Of the 49 testimonials as of this writing,
only three are in opposition, but no voices from the Rogue Valley yet…
We need voices from the Rogue Valley!!!. You can submit written
testimony in support of the plan (or share your own
challenges/experience with the current system) anytime through February
13 by going to OLIS or clicking on this link: