October 22, 2024

SOJWJ 2022 Report

We are grateful for another year and the opportunity to say thank you for taking action and demanding more for working families and other marginalized communities in southern Oregon. As we closed out 2022, we reflected on what this work means and what keeps Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice growing and focused on building power in our communities.

Together, we do the big and the small things needed for us to win. We provide food and resources for our most vulnerable communities. We stand against systemic racism. We fight hostile state and local legislative bodies, we deliver health care to our neighbors. We stop attacks on ballot initiatives and our democracy.

SOJWJ was greatly impacted by the Almeda Fire. Our vehicle, equipment and records were all destroyed in that horrible fire. Our members and executive staff were made homeless by the fire. Since then, we have struggled to get back to where we were and beyond. The donation of a RAV4 vehicle in 2021 was a great gift to help our efforts.

Health Care is a human right!
We believe that health care is a human right. SOJwJ is an organizational member of the Health Care for All Oregon campaign. We supported ballot measure Oregon Measure 111 that adds the right to affordable health care to the state constitution and will continue to fight to ensure every Oregonian has access to the health care they need.

Housing is a human right!
We have more shelter beds in Jackson County than ever before, yet our homeless community continues to be left it the cold. SOJWJ organized a series of public meetings to address the needs for emergency shelter and affordable housing.

Food Equity is a human right!
As food prices rise nationwide, SOJWJ continues to address the issue of food insecurity by
supporting the Ashland Community Peace Meals.

What we did in 2022
Direct Action
Over the past year, we supported workers, families and vulnerable populations and mobilized
volunteers and donors. Our goal is to “meet people where they are.”
In 2022, SOJWJ provided the following:
50 nights emergency shelter
10 warming center breakfasts

Community Peace Meal
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice and community volunteers are organizing basic resources
for our vulnerable, poor and homeless communities. SOJwJ sponsors the Friday Peace Meal
in Ashland Oregon and helps organize meals throughout the week.
Our efforts are successful because of our volunteers.
Peace Meal 2022 Volunteer Hours: 3296

Clothing and Gear Distribution
SOJWJ continues to be the only organization actively distributing clothing and gear
consistently throughout the year. Donations can be dropped at our location at Pony Espresso
in Ashland and are distributed at the community meals.

5th Street Shelter
SOJWJ sponsored and supported the 5th Street shelter, providing critical shelter and support
for our community during the COVID crisis.

East Main Shelter
When Rogue Retreat announced their sudden cancellation of their East Main Shelter
program, SOJWJ stepped in to support the program and make sure the remaining guests had
safe shelter options.

Emergency Weather Shelter
SOJWJ partnered with the City of Ashland to support their Emergency Weather Shelter
Progam, providing sponsorship, guidance, resources and volunteers for the emergency
weather shelters.

Virtual Medical Clinics
SOJWJ partnered with Asante Medical to support virtual medical visits via remote connection
from our shelter on 5th Street.

Over the past year, we supported workers and mobilized new union campaigns at Starbucks stores in Oregon. SOJWJ stood with nurses and healthcare providers to support during far-right anti-mask and anti-vaccine rallies in Medford.

Golden Rule Reentry
SOJWJ provided fiscal sponsorship and guidance for this local effort to provide support and resources for ex-cons returning to the workforce.

Culture and Community Building
David Rovics concert
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice supports local artists. In
December 2022 we hosted labor signer/songwriter David Rovics.

Wobbly Walk Memorial
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice has a campaign to create a Wobbly Free Speech
Monument be placed in the mountains along their historic route to commemorate and
immortalize these workers’ virtuous trek.

Movement & Power Building
We continued to grow and engage with Oregon Strong Voice in in support of workers and
against poverty and exploitation.
We were proud to be there with other organizations throughout the year to organize creative resistance as a counter to misogynist, racist, anti-immigrant and fascist rallies in our
community. We continued working with allies like Pepper Shakers and Hawthorne Park
Alliance to address and challenge social inequity.

Homeless Alliance
Southern Oregon JWJ is providing space, leadership and materials for a grassroots alliance
of homeless activists working on direct actions to address the lack of housing and services.

Relationship Building & Engagement
SOJWJ provides volunteer opportunities for students from the Siskiyou School and Dragonfly
Academy. Students volunteer on a weekly basis at the Peace Meals.
Working with city, county and state agencies.
SOJWJ continues to be a partner with our local city, county and state agencies on the issue
of addressing homelessness and food inequality.

Partnership with Peace House
In 2022, SOJWJ and Peace House joined in partnership to lease the Pioneer Hall building.

New Day Breakfast
SOJWJ volunteers assisted in the facilitation of the monthly New Day Breakfast gatherings in
Ashland. These breakfasts were organizing opportunities for local activists, agencies and

Harm Reduction
SOJWJ provides space for Max’s Mission and the Stabin’ Wagon, working to provide harm
reduction services.Tabling for the Community Peace Meal at Hawthorne Park for Overdose
Awareness Day.

Street Dogs
SOJWJ provides space and support for Street Dogs, and the organization providing resources
and medical service for homeless animals.

Street Nurses Program
SOJWJ helps facilitate this program SOU to provide zero-barrier medical care. We host street
nurses and facilitate virtual medical visits.

Mission and Purpose
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice is a coalition of community, labor, student, and faith-based
groups and individuals working to build transformative power for social, racial, and economic
justice in our community. An organization of, by and for working people, we believe in
solidarity; in showing up for each other no matter our race, where we live, or what job we
SOJWJ fights for the issues that impact our working class directly here in Southern Oregon,
specifically the affordable housing crisis, lack of healthcare and poverty wages. We are also directly supporting those most impacted by economic crisis by supporting the community-
driven programs providing direct grassroots aid and services.

We participate in struggles for living wage jobs, fair trade, health care, immigrant rights, and
against privatization, corporate globalization and inhumane workfare programs.
SOJwJ opposes racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and other forms of
religious and cultural bigotry, and will actively support struggles against any form of
We will support public workers, the services they provide, and the people they serve. We will
work with elected officials and candidates who walk the walk as well as talk the talk to support
workers’ rights. Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice will participate in nationally coordinated
activities and support Jobs with Justice coalitions all around Oregon and throughout the
United States.

Who We Are
Jobs With Justice is a national network of local coalitions. Our coalitions are comprised of
labor unions, community organizations, faith-based groups, worker centers and student
organizations. The national office provides support to our network of autonomous local
affiliates on common issues and develops national campaigns that increase the impact of
local organizing.
We provide a voice for the most vulnerable and marginalized voices in our community. We
work to make the fight against economic inequality front/center in our efforts to expand
organizing and collective bargaining, and dignity for all people.
We provide a space for other organizations to gather, organize and grow.
We support public workers, the services they provide, and the people they serve. We will work
with elected officials and candidates who walk the walk as well as talk the talk to support
workers’ rights. Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice will participate in nationally coordinated
activities and support Jobs with Justice coalitions all around Oregon and throughout the
United States.

AFSCME Local 3336
Amalgamated Transit Union Local #757
American Federation of Gov. Employees Local #1089
American Postal Worker Union – Southern Oregon
Citizens for Peace and Justice
Disabled United in Direct Empowerment
IATSE Local #154
Jackson County Democratic Party
Jackson County Pacific Green Party
Klamath Siskiyou Wildland Center
KSKQ Community Radio
Unite Oregon
Oregon AFL / CIO
Oregon Education Association
Oregon Fair Trade Campaign
Oregon Nurses – RVMC
Peace House
Rogue Valley Veterans for Peace – Chapter 156
Service Employees Union # 503
South Mountain Friends
Southern Oregon Central Labor Council
UFCW Local 555

Board of Directors
Vanessa Houk, BOARD CHAIR, Vanessa is a freelance writer and author. Vanessa facilitates
the Friday Peace Meal, a free meal program in Ashland.
Kathleen Gamer, BOARD VICE CHAIR, Kathleen is an organizer with the Southern Oregon
University United Nations Club and International Students Association.
Catherine McKiblin, BOARD SECRETARY, Catherine is a retired music teacher who
volunteers regularly with Friday Peace Meal.
Jason Houk, BOARD TREASURER, Jason is an independent media producer and is on the management committee of KSKQ Community Radio.
Ralph Browning, Ralph is a former City of Medford employee and President of AFSCME
Local 2621. He is a very active volunteer with many civic and service clubs.
Ivend Holen, Ivend is a social justice activist, retired shop steward of IBEW Local 659,
member/supporter of Amnesty International, Oregon Center for Public Policy, Oregon Action,
Editorial and Medford Citizens for Peace and Justice.

2022 Revenue and Expenses

Foundation Grants $ 25,000
Membership $ 3,900
Individual Donations $ 4,087
Dedicated Donations $ 17,478
Total Revenue 2022 $ 50,465

General Expenses
Personnel $ 12,000
Space Rental $ 2,419
Travel / Repairs $ 1,943
Operating Expenses $ 1,452
Storage $ 1,450
Insurance $ 1,200
Web service / Internet $ 1,500
Program Expenses
Community Peace Meal $ 19,429
Emergency Shelter Program $ 5,577
Street Resource Outreach $ 3,750
Fiscal Sponsorship $ 500
Labor Education and Actions $ 270
Total Expenses 2022 $ 51,490

Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2022
2020 2021 2022
Assets Vehicles and Equipment:

2020: $8,500

2021: $8,500

2022: $5,000
Cash, savings and investments:

2020: $26,796

2021: $23,207

2022: $22,182
Total Assets:

2020: $45,296

2021: $41,707

2022: $28,182
Current Liabilities:

2020: 0

2021: 0

2022: 0
Total Liabilities:

2020: 0

2021: 0

2022: 0

Financials as of 12/31/2022
Street Outreach Dedicated Fund $ 14,505
SOJWJ General Funds $ 10,516
Wobbly Memorial Dedicated Fund $ 3,161