February 14, 2025

Pacific Power offers low-income discounts

Are you a Pacific Power customer who is low-income — with a gross income of less than $60K per year for a family of four? They have a program that will discount your utility bill by 20 to 40 percent and the application takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Oregon Low-Income Discount Application
Guidelines to Apply for LID (Low-Income Discount):
To qualify, the Pacific Power bill must be in your name. You must meet the current income guidelines, adjusted for household size. Qualifying income refers to total gross income from all sources, both taxable and nontaxable. Household size reflects all permanent residents in the home, including adults and children.

Discount applies only to bills associated with the Customer’s permanent primary residence.

If you enroll, you will see discount savings on future electric bills.

Don’t include income documents with your completed application.

Re-enrollment will be required every two years. Customers receiving LIHEAP or OEAP within 12 months of recertification will automatically be re-enrolled for two years.

Qualifying income refers to total gross annual income from all sources, both taxable and nontaxable. These sources may include but not limited to the following:

Child Support
Disability Compensation
Earned Wages/Salary
Foster Care payment
Military Pay
Rental Income
Self-employment income (after expenses)
Social Security
Social Security Disability (SSDI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Worker’s Compensation

For more information, click on the link:
