February 23, 2025

Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice Endorses Just Cause Campaign

SOJWJ Calls Upon Their Network To Join The Campaign To End At-Will Employment

SALEM, OR – Early evening Valentine’s day, the Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice unanimously endorsed prospective ballot initiative 2024-049 for Just Cause. SOJWJ brings together labor unions, religious congregations, student groups and community organizations to improve working peoples’ standard of living, job security and their right to organize. SOJWJ is part of the Jobs with Justice national network made up of thousands of organizations and individuals committed to transforming the lives of working people. Their member organizations include the Oregon AFL-CIO, AFSCME Local 3336, Jackson County Democratic Party, Oregon Education Association, the Service Employees International Union #503, the Southern Oregon Central Labor Chapter (SOCLC), and UFCW Local 555.

As public awareness of the Just Cause campaign grows, so does momentum. SOJWJ is the fifth organization to publicly endorse the campaign this year. Their endorsement follows the Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network, a fellow Oregon JWJ affiliate, and the SOCLC’s recommendation to the Oregon AFL-CIO to endorse in October. Such support bolsters the campaign’s capacity to inform the public, and to collectively advance from the present at-will era. The vast majority of Oregon workers can legally be fired without cause or due process rights.

“Honest, fair, fundamental. Just cause is necessary progress for workers, families, and communities. If a worker makes a mistake, they should be told what it was and have a right to challenge inappropriate decisions. We stand with OUJC, and call on our network to join this campaign too,” said Jason Houk, Treasurer of SOJWJ. Houk also sits on the management committee of KSKQ Community Radio. Visit www.oujc.org to learn more.


The Organizers Union for Just Cause is an Oregon based public benefit corporation formed in 2023 to advance robust standards of just cause, due process, job security and limit circumstances of at-will employment. The union was founded by current and former labor union members and staff throughout the United States.
